Frequently asked questions from our customers

Why am I not able to cancel my test ?
A test can be cancelled by going into the Test Request grid and clicking on the cancel button in the action's column of the associated test. ...
Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 2:44 AM
What is external system under Admin?
This feature allows the user to integrate with external systems like Jira, Azure AD and OKTA.  For example, if a user is using any external program...
Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 6:35 AM
What is Calendar label?
Calendar labels are visual indicators for the test event that are displayed in the calendar for any test request. These labels appear upon hovering the mou...
Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 6:34 AM
What is the difference between Portal lookup and Global lookup?
Titan supports two types of lookups i.e., Global lookups and Portal specific lookups. The lookups that are seen with a globe icon are known as the Global l...
Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 6:34 AM
How to "hide & show" weekends on Calendar
The Calendar grid view allows you to show as much or little information as you want, including the option to hide weekends by using the ‘ON/ OFF’ toggle sw...
Wed, 22 Mar, 2023 at 6:34 AM