No, although a user cannot create bulk tests from the calendar module, we can create multiple budgetary Tests at a single go.

The user needs to navigate to the Project module and click on the Budgetary Tests tab. In this section, the user can create multiple budgetary tests at once and also has the ability to either just "Save" them or "Publish" them upon saving. This will enable the Budgetary Tests to be visible in the Calendar module.

Once a budgetary test is created, the PIC of the test will receive an email regarding the creation of the budgetary test. Now the PIC can add additional details regarding the Test and send it to the Test Approver. 

Additionally, the user can create one test as a template and based on that particular template the users can create multiple Tests at once. This can be done by clicking on the star icon of the test which the user wants to use as a template and then the user needs to click on the "Add" button. The new budgetary test record will automatically fill the frame code and align the start date of the test with the end date of the template test.